Mad, any two cards Martin got his usual big stack of chips early in the game by knocking out Keith and the using the stack well to bully and bluff his way to the final table.
Damo (the best player in Swords) was building nicely when he was on the button with AQ after the usual 5 limpers in the pot with the blinds 100/200 he raises to 900 and gets 4 callers.
Flop A 2 3 Damo bets out 2000 and sit n go Joe makes the call. 4 on the turn , Joe has 3000 left so Damo puts him all in as there is to much in the pot to fold now.
Joe insta calls , a useless 10 on the river and Joe shows A 4 for a turned two pair to put Damo on tilt.
A Big pot was developing on the last hand before the Dominos Pizza break with 3 players , Eddie calls the 400 big blind Damo in the small blind calls and last weeks winner Deco Fitzsimons checks to see a flop of 9 6 5 with two diamonds on the board, Eddie bets 1000 , Damo calls then Deco moves all in for 6000 more Eddie is covered but he calls the all in, Damo has the two lads covered and tanks,he calls after a minute or two , he has K 6 of diamonds for mid pair and flush draw , Eddie shows 9 10 for top pair and Deco shows K 4 total air hes on a bluff , its just about all over as the turn is a 6 to give Damo a set of 6s , Eddie has 2 outs looking for a 9, it fails to hit and Damo has chips again and takes 2 scalps at the same time.

Nadia Forde wasn't playing last Thursday but she looks
really good at our tables.
Sit N Go Joe go buy Damo's Book and don't play that Ace rag again.
And remember Damo's going to get you( LMFAO good old 6 4 bye Joe)
Its Final table time with no big stack leader its even enough with a couple of small stacks looking for action.4 players will be in the money not bad with only 18 players 1st €260 2nd €140 3rd €80 4th €40.
The top ten league continues with Saturday December the 8th the day when 10 players get a free seat into the Swords poker €70 big game. The manor inns very own DJ Tony bubbled the final table but will still lead the league as he can't be caught tonight.
Its Damo who is running good tonight knocking out all but one on the Final table , Packie the only one not to be knocked out by the best player in Swords(its ok I got him last week, remember Packie your KK v 98 for Damo catching the straight). The hand that won it for Damo came when it was 3 handed with Alan Kelly , Alan O Shea and Damo it was even enough in chips Damo had a small lead when Alan O Shea called, Alan Kelly completed the small blind and Damo moved all in as big blind , Alan O Shea done a Phil Hellmuth call lashing the chips into the middle of the table, Alan Kelly folds.
First hand of heads up Damo is all in and knowing Damo will bully with his advantage Alan calls taking a gamble with his 6 7 suited v Damos 88 , the pair holds and the best player in Swords proves his point once again to go home with 1st place €260 and a record 12 scalps for another €60 .
The Manor Inn game is getting better by the week 18 players this week and a number of regulars missing i am sure there will be 20 plus players next week.
New players welcome every Thursday @ 8:30pm €30 freezout 6000 chips+1000 early bird with 4 re buy stacks (re buy cash goes into the league) see you there next week.
Knock me out to win 2 pints of beer next week.
All the best
Be Lucky and play smart
Damien Mc Dermott
AKA Damo
AKA the best player in Swords
I taught Damo all the moves... and challenge him to a throw-down at Enda's house (where he learned to play the game)....