We will be playing every Wednesday at 8pm.
The game will be changing a little , we are going back to our roots with the game that Started over 6 years ago that was very popular,
€25 for 5000 chips with 1 re buy 5000 chips or 1 top up at the break 7000 chips
There will be a bonus 1000 chip but you must be in your seat for the first hand dealt.
If you are there for the 2nd hand sorry but you miss out.
The whole idea is to have the game starting at 8pm sharp as there will be a lot of chips in play and the game must end for 12:30am , so we WILL start at 8pm with dead stacks out until the break.
The biggest change is we are going to provide dealers in the Manor for the first time which we hope will attract some new players .

Is it fair to the player who just wants to invest €25 only ????? OF COURSE it is he is getting the pot built up with a chance of winning a nice juicy prise pool where the re buys and top up have to pay double for that same prise pool.
We will also have a dealer controled €1/€1 NLHM cash game from the break onwards
Guys let me know what you think or reply with any ideas to help improve the game.
I cant wait to get going on Wednesday and I hope to see everyone so come out and support us and remember you have the chance to play with "THE BEST POKER PLAYER IN SWORDS"
See you in the Manor at 8pm sharp.
PS post a reply here and ill give you a 500 chip
Follow us on Twitter @SwordsPoker
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