
Tuesday, 19 February 2019

He Talks the Talk , But can he Walk the Walk !!!!!!

You better belive he can , Damo ( The best playerin Swords ) is crushing the Orchard Pub poker leauge . We are in week 4 of the 10 week leauge and Damo's results are week 1 1st , week 2 1st ,week 3 3rd and week 4 joint 1st in a 3way chop. Congrats to Eddie and Pat on the chop 👍🏻
SwordsPokerDamo AKA " The Best Player inSwords "
The hand of the night is from the first level with the blinds at 25 / 50 I have Q♠️J♠️ in the big blind .
We have the normal 6 limpers in the pot so I decide to thin out the field with this very pretty hand.
I raise it to 600 , a 12x raise and I get 4 callers 😱 .
The flop is K♣️4♣️10♦️ , I flop an open ender so I'm happy to c bet to 1600 and I get 1 caller  , my nemesis " Sit N Go " Joe .
Boom 💣 !!!! I turn the nuts , A❤️ and I'm thinking is Joe chasing a flush ????
So I bet big 4600 a near pot size bet to chase him away , but it doesnt work Joe calls , so now I'm thinking Joe has a big hand so I want a blank on the river please dealer .
The dealer obliges with an 8♥️ and I think Joe has at least 2 pair and I belive he will call so again I bet a pot size bet of 10,000 and Joe calls ??? he has pocket Kings 😱😱😱 the trapper got trapped .
Joe should change the name to " Slow Play Joe ".
That was a nice big pair Joe
Its very fustrating in the Orchard that again we have a good pool of players with 2 tables of 15 players and again there are some faces that show up the odd time and I'm sure one of these nights all the regs will show up and it will be a full house of 3 to 4 tables .
Its early days back with the blog so leave a comment below if you have any comments or ideas I can use .
I hope to do some player profiles and interdouce to you some of of the characters that play in the game.

Friday, 15 February 2019

Time to bring back the Blog !!!!!!

Ok Guys guess whos back ??? Yes Damos back .
Well I never went away lol , I dropped the blog when the Poker night in the Manor Inn finished up and I switched from running games to just playing and educating some of the local fishies in the Orchard Pubs Monday night game .
Monday night Poker in the Orchard is very well run by Robert Mate and Paul Clemenson .


There is a new league kicked off in the Orchard and we are into week 3 and of course the  " Best Player in Swords " ( yes that is still SwordsPoker Damo ) is smashing it with a 1st in week 1 , a 1st in week 2 and a 3rd in week 3 to top the league. 
So watch this space and and look out for some more bad beats and best hands and the general mad plays that pub poker at its best trows up .
Come along and meet our players and join in the fun and fustrations that the best of grass roots Poker has to offer.
Oh remember everyone is welcome at the Orchard pub , Applewood in Swords every Monday at 8pm . 
I'll see you at the table 
♥️♣️Swords Poker Damo ♦️♠️( AKA The Best Player in Swords )

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